Program List

The number of (the)data : 3
  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • For Women
  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • For Women

Eye Love You

Eye Love You

An accident endows protagonist Yuri with the unwelcomed ability to see into people’s hears just by looking into their eyes. Such exposure to the true feelings of herself and others scares her into social reclusiveness. That is until the day she meets Teo, a Korean youth with a genuinely affable personality. Her telepathy being neutralized when with Teo, Yuri begins to harbor hopes of a romantic relationship she’d once thought impossible. But can this ray of sunshine melt the frozen wall that protects her?

주인공 유리는 어떤 사고를 계기로 눈을 보면 그 사람의 마음의 소리가 들리고 마는 “텔레패스” 능력을 가지고 있다.
“텔레패스” 능력을 가지게 되어 버린 유리는 타인의 본심이나 자신의 본심을 사람에게 보여주는 것도 두려워져 필요 이상으로 사람과의 관계를 멀리하게 된다.
그런 어느 날, 밝고 다정한 성격의 한국인 태오를 만난다.
마음의 소리를 알 수 없는 태오라면 포기했던 연애도 어쩌면 … 이라는 생각을 하게 되는데!
자신의 본심을 드러내지 못하는 유리의 닫힌 마음을 태양처럼 밝고 솔직한 태오의 존재가 어떻게 녹여갈 것인가!


My neighbor,Chikara


Chikara is a gentle and compassionate guy. He can’t leave people in need alone and has a strong feeling of wanting to help others.
However, he is indecisive. He easily gets involved in other people's problems half-heartedly, which finally causes him to suffer. Now, he tries to help his neighbors with various problems.

These days, lifestyle and relationships with others have changed a lot.
People are busy but bored, lonely but want to be alone…
This drama portrays the complexity of modern life and gives us the courage to reconnect with others.

  • Comedy
  • School
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • School
  • Sports

We Are Rockets!


Wakaba Fujitani is a high school sophomore in Fukui Prefecture. Ever since she was little, she has been an ardent fan of the JETS, a top high school cheer dance team from her hometown that won the U.S. national championship for the first time. Her dream is to one day join the team and win the coveted U.S. national championship again. But when Wakaba fails to pass the school’s entrance examination, her aspiration of even becoming a cheer dancer are crushed, and she settles for attending a high school in a neighboring town where she spends most of her time merely cheering at sporting events as part of her school’s weak cheerleading club. Then one day, Yuri, a transfer student from Tokyo with a forceful personality arrives and befriends Wakaba, suddenly suggesting that the two of them try out for the cheer dance team. Startled by this turn of events, Wakaba slowly begins to feel a rekindling of her long-cherished childhood dream.

후지타니 와카바는 후쿠이현에 있는 고등학교2학년생. 어린 시절 지역강호 치어댄스 부「JETS」가 처음으로 전미 우승을 달성한 연기를 보고 동경심을 가지게 된다.
장래 자신도 같은 치어댄스부에 들어가 전미 우승을 하겠다는 꿈을 꾸게 되지만, 고교 입시에 실패하면서 어느새 치어댄스마저 자신에게는 불가능할거라고 생각한다.
이웃마을 고등학교에 입학한후 약소한 치어리더부에서 운동부를 응원만하는 고교생활 을 보내고 있었다.
어느날, 도쿄에서 온 저돌적인 전학생 시오리는 와카바에게 치어댄스를 하자고 제안한 다. 시오리의 갑작스런 제안에 당황하지만 와카바의 마음속에 어릴적부터 품어왔던 치어댄스를 향한 뜨거운 마음이 되살아난다.
